Sunday, August 26, 2018

Quick update

Alyson has had a very good weekend after having three rough days. She is gearing up for her second treatment of twelve total. I am hopeful that this week will be better and am praying that her side effects will be minimal. The boys handled the first week well and seem to be doing well overall. I know Brooks is very aware of what is going on as he spontaneously walked in one day last week and told Alyson, "Mom you are so beautiful". He sort of sang it to her, which was kind of cool to see and hear. It was just a quick 5 second affirmation of his mother, but it went a long way.
We have had a low key weekend for the most part and Aly has been drinking a ton of water to hydrate herself in preparation for Monday's treatment. She picked up some Smart Water that has electrolytes in it. We hope this will keep her from having any headaches associated with some of her treatment.
I will do my best to post an update, and with Alyson's permission post of picture of her putting on her "cold cap".
Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement.

1 comment:

Mom said...

That was a great update Brian. And as for Brooks...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.. Brooks and Brock are both learning so much from you and Alyson right now.. God is so good..yes he is... xoxoxo love you all

Quick Update

Just a quick update on Alyson's progress. She completed her chemotherapy on Nov. 12. She did remarkably well. The cold cap did its job a...