Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It has begun

Alyson has begun her chemo treatments and things are going well. She has a little nausea the first day or so, but that was it. She is still encouraged and doing well. I was such a great husband, that on the day she got her treatment I went to the Indianapolis 500 when we got back from the doctors office. As a side note the Indy 500 hundred was incredible. I went with my dad and my brother and we had a great time, all the while my wife was at home feeling nauseated. Great Husband I am!!!!

Anyway, we are 6 days in and she is doing very well. I was there for the whole appointment watching Aly get these drugs put into her. The whole time I sat there and just couldn't get out of my head the fact that, here is Aly getting medicine that is supposed to make her better, yet the very medicine that makes her better has the potential to break her down in so many different ways. In a way, it is how God deals with us at times. The Love He gives us is going to heal us, yet it is going to break us down in order to bring us to the point we need to be to receive healing. It's a crude analogy, but I think it makes least to me anyway. We are now anticipating the day when her hair starts falling out. It is going to be quite an experience to witness. Again, Aly has prepared herself for that time. By the way she made it perfectly clear that I was not to shave my head as a sign of solidarity. I thought it would be cool to be bald with her, but she says NO WAY!! So I will listen to her, as I usually do. I am not sure she will want pictures of her with the new look, but maybe some with the wig on will suffice.

Continue to pray that the side effects will be minimal and that she will continue to heal. Thank you all for your continued prayers. Know that we are doing well and keeping our sense of humor during this experience.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Chemo treatments begin this week.

Alyson begins her chemo therapy this Friday. She will first get a chemo port put in her arm on Thursday which will make things easier from the stand point that the doctors will not have to search for veins every time she goes. I am not sure if Aly is nervous, because she doesn't show it in any way. She has prepared herself for this time and will get through these treatments.

We will start the day at 9:40 am. They said to be prepared to be there for an extended period of time. They have to teach us about the anti-nausea medications, and then tell us what to expect with the chemo treatments. We are asking for your continued prayers as she begins this period of healing.

Quick Update

Just a quick update on Alyson's progress. She completed her chemotherapy on Nov. 12. She did remarkably well. The cold cap did its job a...