Friday, December 16, 2005

Let's give some clarification and re-evaluation.

I want to thank all of you for your kind words of encouragement and your continued prayers. I also want to clear some things up that were misunderstood by many people. As you can all understand, Alyson and I are very scared right now and we are trying to make good decisions for her treatment. I probably should have been a little more clear when I told all of you that Alyson was going to go Natural in our approach to this Cancer. Yes, Alyson is changing her diet to help reverse the Cancer, but at no time were we not going to stop talking to doctors and exploring ALL treatments. We were not simply going to leave things "in God's hands" and hope for the best. But what would be wrong with that. We trust in God in everything we do. We seek his will for our lives and we want to make responsible decisions. Every Doctor we have talked to has told us that there is an 8 week window to start treatment once Cancer is diagnosed. We are only in week 4. We also do not want to rush into anything that Alyson is uncomfortable with. We felt very rushed into her surgery that was supposed to be last Monday. We cancelled it to re-evaluate and research more options, and that is when we began to treat her Cancer with some Natural options. At no point were we going to leave the doctors out of this whole process. We have done some more research, talked with a nutritionist, and have come to the decision to get Aly's lymph nodes tested, remove more tissue, and continue to change her diet to rebuild her immune system. Please understand that we do not have a reference for what we are doing, and it is probably my fault for updating too soon before we made a final decision. Alyson is going to have surgery this coming Monday in Lubbock (December 19). Please pray for us as we are very scared for these next weeks to come and what they might bring. I will let all of you know what is going on as soon as possible. Please pray for Aly to have continued peace that all of this is going to work to God's glory.


My Daily Struggles said...

Hang in there.

Bradford L. Stevens said...

Dear Brian and Aly,

See my post on November 12, 2005 at:

I can't believe that you and Rachel will be having surgery on the same day! Please know that the prayers from St. Louis on that day will be doubled up! You are walking through the valley right now. I pray that you will find the Lord's rod and staff of comfort along your journey.

God bless!
Bradford L. Stevens
(Rachel Pleasant's father)

Klint Pleasant said...

Still in the trenches with you.


Quick Update

Just a quick update on Alyson's progress. She completed her chemotherapy on Nov. 12. She did remarkably well. The cold cap did its job a...