Thursday, February 22, 2007

Alyson update

We met with a new Oncologist yesterday from William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak Michigan. We sat and talked with the doctor for what seemed hours and hours. Our next step is to have the lump removed to do all of the pathology done on the tumor. Once the tumor has been staged, graded, etc., we will determine our next step of treatment. It looks like it will most definitely include chemotherapy, and possible radiation or mastectomy. We are in the process of finding an appointment with a breast surgeon at the same hospital.

As usual, Alyson's spirits are good and strong. She is prepared for what ever is going to come her way. She is so awesome. As for Brooks and myself we are doing fine too. We are just going to spend all of our time loving on "mommy".

We will keep you updated as we get more news. Thank you all for your continued prayers. Alyson and I are amazed at the love that has been shown to us by your prayers and comforting words. We love you all very much.


Anonymous said...

Lord God Almighty,

I echo the prayers that have been lifted up from your believers. Lord, I come to your throne of grace and ask YOU, Holy Lord, the God of Love, to touch the heart of Aly, Brain, Brooks, their families. I pray that all of us who know the Thrifts, or come in contact with the Thrifts, will draw closer to YOU, Lord, through this battle. I thank you Lord for Aly’s love for YOU. I thank YOU for her faith and open heart. Please Lord, comfort and heal Aly.

In the name of Jesus Christ,

Rachel Pleasant

Anonymous said...

Dear Loving Father,
Please embrace Brian, Aly, and Brooks in your loving arms during these next few days and weeks, and let them feel your immeasurable love and strength. Amen.
Love you guys....Sue Stevens

Clint said...

we wish we were there. my yahoo email does not have a reply all so i will reply here. you know you are in our every thought and prayer. peace

Anonymous said...

Alyson, Brian, and Brooks, you are in my prayers during this time. I ask the Lord to guide you and your doctors in making the best decisions. God Bless all of you.

Quick Update

Just a quick update on Alyson's progress. She completed her chemotherapy on Nov. 12. She did remarkably well. The cold cap did its job a...