Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Treatment begins

We visited the oncologist today to determine when chemotherapy would start. Since the lymph nodes were clear we knew that Alyson would not need to undergo radiation therapy. Today's visits were to follow up post lumpectomy and chemo port placement. She is healing nicely from the lumpectomy and we were told that the margins were clear (also good news). Now all we had to determine was the type and length of chemotherapy. She will begin her chemotherapy Monday August 20th. Alyson will get one treatment per week for a total of 12 weeks. She will go in every Monday for 12 weeks which will put her last treatment on November 5th. The obvious side effect will be hair loss. We think we may have a solution to that side effect. We have purchased a "cold cap" which will be worn during her chemo infusions. The purpose of the cap is, essentially, to keep her scalp cold, therefore restricting blood flow to her scalp which would keep the chemo drugs from getting to her scalp. This cold cap should either eliminate her hair loss or greatly reduce it. We are hopeful that it will prevent her hair from falling out. We won't know if it works for a few weeks after treatment has begun. Usually hair loss from chemo takes about 2-3 weeks to occur.
Alyson is in good spirits as she approaches this phase of treatment. We are hopeful that the chemo will have as little impact on her body as possible. The typical side effects are fatigue and nausea the day after and then gradual improvement within 2-3 days. She is hoping that the chemo will not impact her ability to work too much during the week, and oddly enough that it won't keep her from attending my basketball games at Judson.
After chemotherapy is done in November, she will recover for about a month before she will go in for her mastectomy. We hope she can have it done early in December and have a little time to recover before Christmas.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. It has been greatly appreciated and felt as we have traveled this road once again. Please continue to pray for chemo treatments to have as little impact as possible (except on the cancer). Pray that the cold cap works and for our boys as they may begin to really feel the impact of seeing Alyson not feeling well all the time.
I will update you as much as possible as we go through chemo. Thanks Y'all and we love you all!


Mom said...

Jeff and I and all our family have you all covered with prayer. I just read a sign that said "Prayer is your wireless connection". So true. I think you are gonna be real proud of how well Brooks and Brock are gonna handle this. I know Aly wants to be at your basketball games so blessings and strength to her... love you all... see you soon... xoxoxox

Becky said...

Many many prayers from all groups of people are praying for her, you, and the boys! Her strength is amazing to me. Thanks for loving her and being so supportive through all this. You two are a perfect pair!!! We love you all so much!❤️ Mom & Dad Chez

Quick Update

Just a quick update on Alyson's progress. She completed her chemotherapy on Nov. 12. She did remarkably well. The cold cap did its job a...