Sunday, December 11, 2005

Not going to Lubbock for surgery.

Alyson and I have come to a difficult decision not to go to Lubbock for further surgery and chemo-therapy. We have instead opted to go the natural route of treatment. Alyson and I feel that there is too many questions regarding chemo and radiation. We also feel as the doctors did that we have caught the cancer early enough that it did not have a chance to travel elsewhere. We just had too many questions about the side effects of traditional treatments. Alyson is about to embark on a tough journey of total life style change. Her diet will now consist of primarily fruits, vegatables, grains, nuts, and seeds. She has for the past week or so begun to change her diet, and she will now begin the total transformation. I will also be joining her in her dietary choices, besides I could stand to lose a few lbs.

Alyson has been before the Throne of God ever since she was diagnosed and I am so proud of her in her determination to make the right decision. Her faith has been strengthened in a tremendous way that I stand in awe of who she has become in the past few weeks. And I stand amazed at the Awesomeness of God, who continues to richly bless my life and family. Please continue to pray for us as we continue to seek Gods will and healing, and that we will adjust to eating in a whole new way. I know that Alyson is at total peace with her decision to go "natural" and I am also. We just ask for your support and understanding with our choices. We love you all very much and we appreciate all of your individual faiths.

I can't wait to see her do her running again. Cancer FREE!!!!!!!!


Klint Pleasant said...

Glad your at peace with the decision! We will be thinking of you and praying with (but NOT eating with you) every step of the way. Look forward to our next visit.


Conni H. said...

Brian- I was encouraged by Klint to stop by your blog. Ever since he told us about your wife's new diagnosis, and the new little one on the way, we have been praying for you both.

I will check back regularly to see how things are going. I am encouraged by your faith in God, and your decision to "go natural." Please let us know if you'd like our prayers to be more specific.

Looking forward to sharing blogs!

Clint said...

Aly, no more candy, does that mean I no longer owe you a bag of flavored tootsie rolls.

John Pleasant said...

Brian-What an awesome thing You and Ally have decided to do! My prayers will be with you daily. Are you giving up coke also? If so, I put this up there with some of the great miracles!

Quick Update

Just a quick update on Alyson's progress. She completed her chemotherapy on Nov. 12. She did remarkably well. The cold cap did its job a...