Thursday, May 07, 2009

Potty training

We began potty training...or I should say Aly has been potty training Brooks this week. It has been quite an adventure for Aly and Brooks. He has been doing well for the most part, but has had trouble figuring out how to go #2. He is not quite comfortable with the whole idea of just letting things happen. He seems to be more comfortable hiding in a corner and doing the deed in his "big boy" underwear. We went out to eat last night and he had to go "pee-pee". When he came out he made it known to the whole restaurant, rather excitedly, that he went "pee-pee on the big boy potty daddy!!!" It was rather funny. We are hoping that by the end of the week he will figure out the #2 part and figure out how to wake up in the middle of the night to go potty. This weekend will be a big weekend for him. We are going to a cookout at my aunts house. It should be interesting. He has made some great strides. He can finally ride his bike with training wheels. Its awesome!!!!!!!


Clint said...

I hope you manned up and taught him how to pee-pee in the back yard first.

Candy said...

Clint you crack me up.

Brian - I remember well the whole potty-training episode with Max. He also would go hide and do his "business". He was 3 years and 2 months old when I sent him in to get a pull-up one day and he brought back big boy underwear. He said, "I wear these now." And that was it. When I let go, he kicked into gear. Then we went out and got him the Fisher-Price castle with all the knights. We used that as a reminder of his being a big boy now. It worked!

Quick Update

Just a quick update on Alyson's progress. She completed her chemotherapy on Nov. 12. She did remarkably well. The cold cap did its job a...